Services > Agronomic advice and training

Agronomic advice and training

Technology and innovation are key to improving the competitiveness of your production, but it is of no use if we do not have the knowledge to exploit its potential.

Therefore, with your greenhouse or irrigation project you will have a technical and agronomic consultancy service available so that you have all the knowledge you need to manage high-value crops and optimise agricultural production.

Specialised training that we share with producers and technicians on the latest agricultural innovations, irrigation technologies, climate and crop management, so that you can easily adapt them to your reality and gain in profitability and competitiveness.

What kind of knowledge do we share?

Technical advice and training for:

  • Greenhouse installations and technological equipment

  • Open field irrigation and fertigation systems

  • Irrigation and climate control and automation systems

  • Water treatment

Agronomic advice on:

  • Plant nutrition

  • Soil analysis

  • Water footprint

  • Monitoring of open field and greenhouse crops

Driving the leap towards innovative agriculture

We invest in R&D and accompany you in the implementation of innovative technologies to drive the leap towards a digital agriculture that improves decision-making and prepares us for the future.

We update and instruct producers and technicians on the latest developments in the control and management of irrigation, climate and crop management technologies, so that they can easily adapt them to their daily reality to increase profitability and competitiveness.

We share the experiences and results obtained in the field of intensive horticulture and the water industry to make efficient use of resources and achieve a more sustainable agriculture.

Visit our knowledge centre Novagric SAVIA

NOVAGRIC has a training centre and high-tech facilities fully equipped with crops in production, where it is possible to put into practice all the knowledge acquired.