The photovoltaic or agrovoltaic greenhouse is a multitunnel or shade net greenhouse that integrates a photovoltaic generator to produce renewable energy from sunlight.
Greenhouses require large amounts of energy for food production, especially if they are equipped with climate and irrigation technology.
Many countries, especially Spain, have very favorable conditions to take advantage of solar radiation and generate energy that can be used in different areas such as the irrigation and pumping network or the drive of the greenhouse automatisms.
Novagric has developed a new integral model of agrovoltaic greenhouse that combines electrical and agricultural productions, without reducing the yield or income of your agricultural activity.
Advantages of a photovoltaic greenhouse
Challenges of the agrovoltaic system in greenhouses
In Novagric we believe in a new way of producing food in a profitable way for the farmer, sustainable and prosperous for the planet,
so we are able to adapt the greenhouse models to this dual productive function with clean energy and find the best solution for your type of crop, location and budget.