Search Novagric
New Sustainable, Collapsible, Demountable and Reusable Greenhouse Construction System.
NOVAGRIC is involved in an ambitious research project to improve crop adaptation to climate change.
New positive pressure system that prevents the entry of pests and air conditioning with geothermal energy from the ground.
Hacia un nuevo sistema de apoyo a la gestión de cultivos protegidos con matemáticas aplicadas para aumentar la productividad.
Vertical food production without artificial lighting in urban areas achieving sustainable food from Km 0 and reducing costs.
GreenDomo is an innovative urban agriculture solution for sustainable food production of the future.
Treatments and technology of action at the interstitial level of fruit and vegetable tissues to reduce phytopathologies during the growing and post-harvest stages.
LIFE innovation project for the development of sustainable technologies to eliminate agrochemicals in agricultural soils through solarization and in situ ozone.
The DESERT Project aims at the integration of water treatment technologies in a compact module with low consumption thanks to the use of solar energy.
Production system for protected crops using light-activating particles and nanomaterials in micro-irrigation with biocidal effect.
- GREENFOLD. Foldable and Reusable Greenhouses
- DARkWIN. Project to improve crops in the face of climate change
- +PreVENT. Positive pressure system for ecological greenhouses
- Novagric develops Solidarity Agricultural Projects
- Carbon Fertilisation Levels in Greenhouses
- How to control the climate during carbon fertilisation
- i-GROW. Protected crop management support systemtivos protegidos
- VERTICAL SUNNING. Vertical farming without artificial light
- GREENDOMO. New urban greenhouse model
- MORE THAN CLEAN. Technology to reduce phytopathologies