Crops > Ornamentals > Carnation

Greenhouses for Carnation Growing

Carnation crops in greenhouse requires a great luminosity since flowers growth and orientation depend on the solar radiation.

Climatic conditions for Carnation farming

  • Daytime temperature > is around 15-18ºC, not exceeding 21ºC in summer.

  • Nighttime temperature > between 10-12ºC.

  • Cooler temperatures > reduce production but improve flowers quality.

  • Minimum temperature for vegetative growth > is around 8ºC, although carnations can withstand temperatures as low as -3/-4ºC without freezing

  • Maximum temperature > around 35ºC.

  • Illumination > of 40,000 lux. The light also determines stem rigidity and flowers size and number.

  • Average relative humidity > around 60-70%.

Main problems due to climate

  • High RH: favours fungi. High relative humidity together with temperatures around 37 °C produce diseases such as leaf stain produced by Pseudomonas andropogonis, or rust. It also causes the stems to crack more easily because they are very turgid.

  • Low light level: the buds grow weak; the stems are etiolated and increases sensitivity to diseases.

  • High temperatures: Flower formation buds stops above 25 °C. Sudden temperature variations increase the generation of a greater number of petals and cause the opening of the calyx (frequent in crops under shelter or with only antifreeze heating).

  • Low temperatures: below 0 °C carnation can develop moles and produce deformations in the petals. Flower bud formation stops below 8 °C.

Our agricultural technology projects

Greenhouses for Flower crops in Chile

Novagric implemented advanced greenhouses for the production and export of hydroponic hydrangeas in Chile, with climate control and fertigation.

Greenhouses for the University of India

Novagric created a centre of excellence in protected agriculture at a university in India, with advanced technology for growing vegetables, flowers and medicinal plants, adapted to local conditions and automatically controlled.

Greenhouses for lilium cultivation in Asia

Novagric has carried out a project in Vietnam of Multi-span Gothic Greenhouses technologically equipped for Flower Crop such as Lilies.

Construction of Greenhouse for Nursery in Almeria

Novagric designed, manufactured and built multi-span greenhouses in Puebla de Vícar, Almería, for Finca Viveros Las Fresas.

Multi-span Chapel and Tropical Greenhouses in Costa Rica

Novagric has carried out a project of Multi-span Chapel and Asymmetric Greenhouses to produce tropical ornamental plant.

Installation of Irrigation and Climate Control for Seedbeds

Novagric implemented an irrigation and climate system for Vicaplant in La Mojonera, specialized in horticultural and ornamental plants.

Greenhouses for Flowers in Vietnam

Novagric has carried out a project of Tropical Greenhouses technologically equipped for Flower Crops in nurseries in Vietnam.

Grow carnation in greenhouse with Novagric

In Novagric we take care of everything: from the design to the assembly of your installation. Achieve stable production and improve your profitability with an agricultural technology project tailored to your needs.