Custom Greenhouse & Irrigation quote

Request a quote for your agriculture project

Request a customized quote for your greenhouse agriculture or outdoor woody crop irrigation project.

Adapt it to your needs and equip it with irrigation, climate, water, control technologies and automotive systems.

Please note that in order to advise you on the best technical and competitive strategy, we need to evaluate the external factors, characteristics and needs of your project.

Which greenhouse or irrigation technology is right for you?

Fill in the form and discover it.

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    (You can select several types of crops)
    Avocado, Avocado
    Artichoke, Artichoke
    Almond tree, Almond tree
    Celery, Celery
    Blueberries, Blueberries
    Aubergine, Aubergine
    Berries, Berries
    Broccoli, Broccoli
    Cannabis, Cannabis
    Green spaces, Green spaces
    Strawberry, Strawberry
    Bean, Bean
    Kiwi, Kiwi
    Lettuce, Lettuce
    Handle, Handle
    Melon, Melon
    Peach, Peach
    Walnut, Walnut
    Olivar, Olivar
    Ornamental, Ornamental
    Paraguayan, Paraguayan
    Cucumber, Cucumber
    Pepper, Pepper
    Pistachio, Pistachio
    Pitahaya, Pitahaya
    Watermelon, Watermelon
    Tomato, Tomato
    Vineyard, Vineyard
    Others, Others
    Choose your project type and surface
    Where will your installation be?
    Tell us more about your project
    Tell us a little about yourself
    How did you meet us?
    Internet, Internet
    Social Networking, Social Networking
    Recommendations, Recommendations
    Commercial, Commercial
    Fairs, Fairs
    Press/Other Press / Other
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