CO2 enrichment for greenhouses

In a natural environment, plants can obtain CO2 from the surrounding air, but in a greenhouse, this concentration may be limited due to the enclosed space and high plant density.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for photosynthesis.

NOVAGRIC offers the possibility of improving the development and productivity of intensive crops by means of CO2 injection systems or carbonic fertilisation to cover the deficit or enrichment needs of your production.

Pure CO2 Injection Systems in greenhouses

Installations with direct combustion hot air generators

From the combustion of propane or natural gas, with a dual use as heating equipment and CO2.

Recommended for:

Crops requiring the combined use of heating and carbon enrichment to meet production needs.

In central heating systems with storage of heat production:

It operates during the day to cover the night demand for covering heating demand for the night period and to take advantage of CO2 production by installing an accumulation tank and a gas distribution and dosing network covering the surface of the greenhouse to be treated.

Recommended for:

Requiring heating demand during most of the crop cycle.

From liquefied gas:

  • Processed gases: liquefied distributed and stored in cryogenic tanks.
  • Economic CO2 production

Recommended for:

Intensive greenhouse crops where there is no heating demand during most of the crop cycle, or where the objective is to cover deficient levels at certain times when the ventilation rate is limited, and where the crop requires carbon fertilisation to obtain an improvement in its final quality.

Add CO2 enrichment to your greenhouse

Novagric installs CO2 dosing systems in your greenhouse to increase the productivity and development of your crops.