Greenhouse ventilation system

The ventilation system in a greenhouse is essential for the correct development of the plants and to obtain high yielding productions.

Greenhouse plants need a constant flow of fresh air to carry out photosynthesis, eliminate excess humidity and regulate internal temperature.

Without good air circulation, greenhouses can become a breeding ground for diseases, pests and pollination problems.

Ventilation in a greenhouse

The ventilation system to be used will depend on the greenhouse infrastructure and the characteristics of the project and crop.

Our technical department will evaluate all the factors to offer the solution with the best guarantee of success.

Forced Ventilation Systems

Forced ventilation systems have a set of helicoidal fans installed in one plane (bands or front of the greenhouse).
This equipment makes it possible to provide each greenhouse with the appropriate ventilation rate in each case.

The untreated outside air evacuates the heat load and transpiration, thus avoiding conditions of excessive temperature and humidity.

This option is ideal for larger greenhouses and in areas with extreme climates, as it allows greater control over airflow and temperature.

Combined with misting systems, or as an integral part of an evaporative cooling pad system, it offers the best results in terms of cooling capacity.

They are a set of small helicoidal fans distributed in the greenhouse area with different arrangements. The purpose of their operation is to generate small air currents that allow mixing and uniformity of air conditions in the greenhouse.

When windows are closed, or the greenhouse renovation rate is low or zero, a small airflow through the crop canopy substantially improves gas exchange, avoiding saturation conditions due to excess humidity in low temperature conditions and improving transpiration in high temperature conditions.

Natural ventilation in greenhouse

Natural ventilation in greenhouses is achieved through windows and openings (of different geometry and inclination) in its structure that allow air to circulate naturally, helping to reduce the high temperatures inside the greenhouse.

  • Roof: Zeniths or roof
  • Side and front sashes: Windows, gate, rollables

At Novagric we install the most suitable ventilation systems for your greenhouse.

Types of Natural Ventilation in a Greenhouse

  • Zenith 1/3 Arc
  • Zenith 1/2 Arc
  • Super-Zenith 1/4 Arc
  • Butterfly

Install automatic greenhouse ventilation

Novagric installs greenhouses with automated ventilation systems that create the perfect humidity and temperature conditions for the development of your crop.