Greenhouses > Equipment and technology > Irrigation Systems

Greenhouse Irrigation and water systems

Proper water management is one of the keys to the success of any greenhouse project.

To achieve cost savings in water resources and adequate nutrition in your crops it is necessary:

  • Analyze the quality and source of water for the design of the irrigation network.
  • Study the different irrigation needs of each crop.
  • Examine the type of soil or substrate that best suits the crop.
  • Consider the climatology and radiation levels of the area, as they will affect plant evapotranspiration.
  • Choose the technology that optimizes plant development and the profitability of your project.
  • Protect all installed irrigation systems from the elements to increase their durability.

Novagric takes care of all this and more to make your life easier and to let you focus your attention only on what is most important.

Since 1978 we have been developing irrigation systems and control and automation technologies that you can incorporate into any greenhouse project for efficient water management and reuse in the irrigation network.

The type of irrigation, fertigation and water treatment systems will depend on your crop type, soil, climate and needs.

Find the best irrigation, nutrition or water management solution for your greenhouse Project

Best water systems to install in a greenhouse