NOVAGRIC Solutions > Greenhouses

Small Greenhouse Kit for professional farmers

APR Kit greenhouses are small greenhouses with tunnel structure specially designed for intensive crop production on small plots of land.

The design of this new model has a solid structure that is more economical and easier to assemble, allowing for high production, preventing the entry of insects and improving yields.

Novagric builds Kit greenhouses for farmers who want to increase their production output within small surfaces.

Invernadero APR Kit

KIT Greenhouse Dimensions and Technical Characteristics

Total surface area: 336 m2

No. of modules: 1

Width: 8 m

Length: 42 m

Height to channel: 2.40 m

Manual and video tutorials are provided for easy installation!

Materials and Structural Parts

Additional kits

It is also possible to contract Additional Kits designed specifically for this model of Greenhouse Kit for small areas, making the most of your crop and improving your production.

Structural KITS:

  • Crop Wire KIT: Materials needed for the construction of the greenhouse and to guide the plants from the ground to the wire.

  • Lateral Curtain KIT: Allows the greenhouse to be hermetically sealed at times or seasons when the temperature is too low. It fulfils the following functions: Oxygen and CO2 exchange. Temperature control: protection against the cold. Humidity control.

  • Additional Bottom Profile KIT: This is a clear reinforcement of the structure.

Agronomic KITS:

  • Irrigation KIT

  • Seedbeds KIT

  • Tools KIT

Advantages of this Mini Tunnel greenhouse

  • Increased crop production and yields.

  • More efficient use of inputs in irrigation, fertigation or hydroponics.

  • Pest, weed and disease control.

  • Designed for the development of all types of crops.

  • It is suitable for all climates. It is suitable for warm, temperate, and tropical climate regions.

  • Guarantees good plant development all year round.

  • Economical solution for small crops.

  • Greenhouses are easy to install and maintain.

  • Improve sales prices and recover investment.

Equipment for small greenhouses

Would you like to maximize the performance of the greenhouse APR Kit?

In Novagric you have at your disposal intelligent control and automation systems for irrigation, fertigation, climate and water reuse.