NOVAGRIC Solutions > Greenhouses

Tunnel Greenhouse

The tunnel type greenhouse does not have straight walls, the structure is completely curved from the point of attachment to the ground to the ridge.

The shape of the arches can be curved or ogival. This shape allows a larger volume of air to be accommodated inside and provides resistance to rain. The tunnel greenhouse consists of one or more modules with a series of arches made of galvanised cylindrical tubes, which do not require concrete foundations, making them easy to move and install.

Novagric develops your smart farming project from design to implementation.

Invernadero T

Dimensions and Technical Characteristics of Tunnel greenhouse

Width: 8 m – 9.60 m

Height: 4 – 5 m.

Distance between arches: 2.50 m. (external).

Perimeter reinforcement frames

Many more options and combinations exist to adapt your greenhouse to the needs of your crops, the climate and terrain.

Materials and Structural Parts

Advantages of the Tunnel model greenhouse

  • Perfect for small areas and crops

Tunnel greenhouses are specially designed for small areas and small-sized crops such as creeping vegetables or low growing crops.

  • Cheap and Simple Greenhouses

They are economical greenhouses, as their structure is simple and sturdy, making them easy to move.

  • Quick and seamless assembly

Facilitates agricultural operations with machinery

  • Better climate control capacity than the flat greenhouse

  • It allows the installation of air conditioning systems.

  • Greater watertightness than the flat greenhouse.

  • Good distribution of light inside the greenhouse.

  • It considerably reduces the problem of condensation and dripping water on the crops due to the curved cover, which favours the evacuation of water from condensation on the plastic cover to the walls.

  • It allows the installation of zenithal and lateral windows.

Equipment for the Tunnel greenhouse

Would you like to maximize the performance of the tunnel greenhouse?

In Novagric you have at your disposal intelligent control and automation systems for irrigation, fertigation, climate and water reuse.

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