INVERMÓVIL. Innovative greenhouse construction system

New multi-tunnel greenhouse construction system that reduces labor risks, assembly time and costs.

The invermobile consists of a new construction procedure that avoids to a great extent the risks derived from working at heights, assembling most of the greenhouse structure at ground level, to later raise it to its final position, through the use of motor reducer systems. The improvements sought by this project are mainly based on reducing operators’ working hours at height, but taking into account that the costs of the new system should not be excessively high so that the model can be competitive in the market.


Las mejoras que pretenden este proyecto se basan fundamentalmente en reducir las horas de trabajo en altura de los operarios, pero teniendo en cuenta que los costes del nuevo sistema no han de elevarse excesivamente de forma que el modelo pueda ser competitivo en el mercado  


  • Redesign of the capital, so that it would be divided into two independent parts, which could later be joined to the elevation of the adjoining tunnels, so that the tunnels could ascend independently of each other.
  • Placement of the lifting motor at the base of the pillar, which requires a large plate fixed to the floor by means of a welded plate tube and bearings with internal bearings.


  • NOVAGRIC (Novedades Agrícolas, S.A.)
  • ETIFA Technology Center
  • Department of Rural Engineering, University of Almeria, Spain


Project financed with CDTI funds  

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