Novagric > Riego > Servicios de Riego

Waterworks construction

Ejecutamos obras hidráulicas y áreas verdes para comunidades de regantes, organizaciones privadas e ingenierías cumpliendo con todas las indicaciones y plazos de los técnicos coordinadores del proyecto.

Contamos con una amplia experiencia en el sector agrícola y del agua. Somos contratistas capaces de llevar a cabo:

  • Nuevas infraestructuras de ingeniería

  • Servicios para áreas verdes (campos de golf y fútbol)

  • Construcción de grandes estructuras, modernizaciones de instalaciones para automatizaciones y optimizaciones a los nuevos requerimientos de sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética

  • Mantenimiento de sistemas eléctricos y mecánicos para el correcto funcionamiento.

Typology of installed facilities

We are specialized in the construction of these works:

Water supply and sanitation works

  • Water supply and irrigation pipelines
  • Pumping, filtering, fertigation stations

Mechanical installations without specific qualification

  • Automation for the control of all irrigation and fertigation processes: opening and closing of irrigation sectors, flow rate, irrigation on demand, drainage in hydroponics, with solenoid valves, probes, motors, computer-programmer and management software.
  • 100% self-sufficient solar installations

Hydraulic works without specific qualification

  • Construction of reservoirs of compacted earth wall with waterproofing PVC sheeting
  • Irrigation systems with separation of water particles, using filters, valves and manifolds.

Water Treatment Stations

  • Water Treatment Station for separation of saline, organic and biological molecules.

Other infrastructures

  • Electrical panels for water extraction, elevation and circulation.
  • Installations for air conditioning, with the use of electric pumps, auxiliary pumps, insulated CV conductors, automatic control of transformers, electrical panels for power and GSM control.

Why carry out your project with Novagric?

Our own assembly team

We have a team of 200 people specialized in the development and installation of irrigation projects, hydraulic, electrical, engineering structures and water treatment.


We are experts in irrigation projects for woody crops and protected agriculture with extensive experience in the management of installations with control and automation technology. We develop our own products and have carried out more than 30 R&D projects.


We develop eco-efficient solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, with intelligent sensors and integrated platforms that analyze information to ensure sustainable management of water resources and a positive impact on the planet.


We have been working since 1978 committed to the success of our customers to respond to works of high technical and economic demand, complying exhaustively with the planning, prioritizing compliance with deadlines and operational excellence to react to any unforeseen event.

Customers all over the world

We have a wide range of clients with whom we execute works and offer a construction and assistance service throughout the world. We currently have facilities spread from Lérida to Hueva, through Extremadura to the Region of Murcia, Valladolid and Portugal.

Calidad y Seguridad

All the works executed comply with the Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) regulations. In addition, we have AENOR certifications based on ISO 9001 and 14001 standards that guarantee the quality of our products, services and environmental commitment.

¿En qué podemos ayudarte?

Rellena el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto contigo para encontrar una solución adaptada a tus necesidades.

    Greenhouse and technology, Greenhouse and technology
    Open-air irrigation, Open-air irrigation
    Water treatment, Water treatment
    Commercial Visit, Commercial Visit
    Another, Another
    More information, Further information
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