Crops > Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming

What is vertical farming

Vertical farming is a new way of indoor and high altitude production thanks to technologies that allow the control and management of indoor crops.

This growing method has huge potential to address these new challenges. And it answers many questions that customers have about the provenance, sustainability, and health of the food they eat.

Challenges facing agriculture

  • Population and food demand increase. By 2050, a large population increase is expected, which will require a 50% higher production than the current one. In addition, it is estimated that more than 6.5 billion will live in urban spaces. Arable land scarce.

  • Arable land is increasingly scarce. And only 10% of production will come from new arable land. The remaining 90% will therefore be produced on current arable land.

  • Resource scarcity. Climate change causes global resource scarcity (especially water and energy). And excessive use will be penalized. The agricultural sector consumes 70% of water and it is our responsibility to use it efficiently.

Therefore, your farm must be competitive and make the most of resources. And thus feed the population in a sustainable way by increasing your crops productivity.

Novagric - Agricultura innovadora

Advantages of Vertical Farming

Novagric vertical cultivation modules unify the latest technological advances in control and management with high yields. This cultivation system is built to create the perfect environment for plants, using less space, water, and transport. It also enables a scalable, sustainable, and resilient food system.

It allows the use of non-cultivable soils (by urban areas, salinity, climate, etc.). Therefore, it extends the arable areas and brings the product closer to the final consumer (local farming).

  • Greater freshness and products flavour
  • Shelf-life increase (from harvest to a local store in a few hours)
  • Reduces emissions and costs transport related.

It does not need pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemical elements.

The system-controlled isolation (with indoor conditions that do not attract insects and cultivation cycles speed) make immune to pests and fungi productions.

Saves more than 95% on non-recirculating systems.

The irrigation system is designed to reuse resources and achieve drastic savings in nutrient solution and water. Each plant receives the needed water amount. And any water excess is recycled through a closed-circuit irrigation system, resulting in a large reduction in water consumption and zero waste.

High energy efficiency thanks to renewable energy.

The module solar panels generate energy and serve as shading to protect the space from direct solar radiation and decrease the overall farm energy consumption.

Around 100% yield in vertical farming modules

Production systems in controlled environments enable 365 days a year plant development. Therefore, increased harvests result from better space use and crop cycles acceleration.

Vertical Farming modules

The structure is designed and manufactured by Novagric in galvanized steel (lacquered in white) and combined with a sandwich panel enclosure.

The layout makes the most of the space and allows tightness and controlled air exchange.

Novagric - Agricultura Vertical

Air conditioning

Indoor plants have very precise climatic requirements. And the modules are equipped with everything necessary to maintain optimal growing conditions (cooling, heating, relative humidity control, air, temperature, and humidity). A system that can be configured manually, semi-automatically or automatically to continuously monitor crop variables and program responses.

Novagric - Plantas verticales

LED lighting

LED lights configured to provide the plant growth ideal light amount and reduce consumption.

Novagric - Riego Agricultura Vertical


Substrate-free irrigation is used in independent modules with different levels and NFT gutters that make the most of the number of plants in each level and linear extension. The system (manual, semi or automatic) consists of tank, pump, filter, and recirculating network.

Take the leap to vertical agriculture

Contact us to start growing vertically and achieve a stable production all year round.

The great customization degree allows to establish any climatic conditions. Vertical agriculture is an effective alternative to feed the world’s growing population. The crops grow in a controlled environment suitable for each species. And the productions are predictable and consistent throughout the year, with fresh and pesticide-free products.

Novagric - Planatción de Agricultura vertical