Greenhouses > Turnkey services > Construction

Greenhouse construction

Our technical and assembly team takes care of greenhouse construction, technology installation and commissioning, to facilitate the implementation of high-yield agriculture projects.

The construction of a greenhouse begins in the factory with the pre-assembly of arches, pillars, purlins, bars, channels, corner posts and reinforcements, in the case of chapel, tunnel, asymmetrical or tropical and gothic greenhouses.

The flat or parral, raspa y amagado or Almeria type greenhouses are built directly at the project location.

All construction phases of a greenhouse project are supervised by our technical team.

> Construction phases of multi-tunnel greenhouses

Earthworks and Surface Levelling

The first phase in the construction and assembly of a greenhouse is the levelling of the surface where it is installed. The earth is moved to correctly level the ground in accordance with the criteria for water drainage and slopes to improve the working conditions in the greenhouse.

  • Clearing and levelling: This begins with the clearing and preparation of the land for earthmoving work.

  • Cuttings and embankments: In case the surface where the greenhouse is installed is too uneven, the design and construction of cuttings and/or embankments will be required to adapt the surface to the levelling restrictions requested in the greenhouse design.

  • Levelling: The last phase of earthworks consists of levelling the ground to design conditions.

Layout and Foundation Preparation

In this phase, the foundations of the greenhouse plant are traced on the ground (or on the plan), marking the places where the excavation for the foundations must be carried out according to the project. Subsequently, the excavation is carried out by means of augers.

Receipt of Materials

We receive the materials for pre-assembly on a surface next to the greenhouse construction area.

  • Anti-corrosion treatment of the surface in contact with the column footing by means of tarring.

  • Assembly of the capitals.

  • Pre-assembly of the roof arches, cultivation bars, pendolons and window arms for subsequent installation (the arch may be assembled on the ground before installation or elements such as cultivation bars or pendolons may be assembled afterwards once the arch has been installed).

  • Laying of C-profiles (fastening of the plastic film-canal) on the carcasses.

Greenhouse building

  • Placement of pillars and foundations: The base of the pillars is previously treated with tar to prevent corrosion. The foundation of the pillars consists of cylindrical concrete footings made on site. The installation of the pillars is carried out once the concrete of the footing has been poured, checking that they are not inclined.

  • Capitals and channels: Once the pillar has been installed, the capital of the pillar is placed, and then the channels are mounted.

  • Arches: Once the installation of the channels has been completed, the trusses are assembled. First, the roof arches previously assembled on site are lifted and placed.

  • Profiling and reinforcements: The profiling is assembled on the roof surfaces and on the sides, joining them to the side pillars of the greenhouse and the structural reinforcements.

  • Cladding: Once the assembly of the structure itself has been completed, the roofing material is installed and the remaining finishing touches are completed by installing the auxiliary installations, such as the zenithal window opening system, the greenhouse doors, etc.

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