Crops > Vegetables > Lettuce

Lettuce Growing in hydroponics and soil

Lettuce cultivation has grown in recent years thanks to the diversification of varieties and the increase in pre-prepared convenience products.

Lettuce and leaf crops are annual crops with a production cycle of 45-150 days depending on varieties, time of year and type of production, and three phenological stages (germination, pre-cropping, head formation and flowering and seed maturation).

Production requirements for lettuce growing

  • Germination temperature > 18-20ºC

  • Daytime growth temperature > 14-18ºC

  • Night-time growth temperature > 5-8ºC

  • Relative humidity > Around the 60-80%

  • Notorious relative humidity > Around thel 70-90%.

  • Soils > it is possible to grow in drained soils, substrates or hydroponics.

If you want to obtain a good yield, it is necessary to have a high and uniform irradiation, which helps rapid growth.

It should be noted that lettuce tolerates low temperatures better than high temperatures (maximum 30 °C and minimum -6 °C). The root system of lettuce is very small, so it is very sensitive to lack of moisture and drought.

Growing lettuce in greenhouse or in the open field?

Lettuce production systems are very varied. It is only recommended to grow lettuce outdoors if the weather conditions allow it.

For this reason, more and more growers are opting to grow lettuce in hydroponics and aeroponics. Although the challenge of this type of system is to achieve a balance of nutrients, conductivity and pH (depending on the ambient temperature) in order to achieve quality production.

The cost is higher, but it saves water and nutrients. In addition, vertical cultivation requires less surface area and you can grow more plants.

Advantages of growing lettuce in hydroponics

  • Production 365 days

  • Rapid amortisation

  • Water and nutrient savings

  • Minimise water footprint

  • Space optimisation

  • Reduction of diseases and pests

  • Suitable for organic production

Best technologies to grow lettuce successfully

Our agricultural technology projects

The largest greenhouse for top quality Cherry Tomato

This is the largest greenhouse built in Spain in a single module with which they hope to increase production from 21 to 27 kg/m2, but the results were much better than expected.

The largest and most productive greenhouse in Almeria

Novagric executed an advanced greenhouse project in Almeria, improving the quality and efficiency of vegetable production.

Hydroponic greenhouse for vegetable cultivation in Turkey

One of the most ambitious complete greenhouse projects for high-yielding hydroponic tomato production in Turkey.

Multitunnel Vegetable Greenhouses for Mercadona

Novagric has realized a complete project of Professional Greenhouses specialized in the production of high quality fruit and vegetable crops such as Tomato, Cucumbers or Beans.

Greenhouse construction for growing crops in the United Arab Emirates

Discover greenhouse projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for growing organic fruits and vegetables.

Greenhouse project to produce tomatoes with lower water footprint

Grupo Hortofrutícola Paloma expands its greenhouses with Novagric to achieve 20% more production using less water and energy.

Greenhouses for vegetables and lettuces crops in hydroponics and NFT

Africa is making progress in agricultural technologies with NFT greenhouses for food safety and efficient horticle production

High productivity Greenhouses for growing all year round

Novagric implemented a technological greenhouse in the Middle East for constant cultivation of vegetables, with water recirculation and climate control systems to optimise resources and profitability.

Hydroponic Greenhouses in Eastern Europe

Novagric implemented a hydroponic tomato greenhouse in Eastern Europe, educating local entrepreneurs to boost the regional economy.

Technological Greenhouses for cultivation in winter and summer

Novagric created a technological greenhouse in the Middle East for continuous cultivation with 12 greenhouse and water recirculation and climate control systems.

Irrigated Agriculture Project in the Desert

Novagric realized a large localized irrigation installation in the Sahara desert to grow cotton and vegetables, demonstrating the viability and sustainability of agriculture in desert areas.

Greenhouses and Agricultural Sheds for Snow Farming

Novagric established a state-of-the-art multi-tunnel greenhouse and agricultural shed project in Romania, adapting to a cold and extreme climate.

Biotechnology Research Greenhouses in Japan

Novagric designed and installed a bio-innovation centre in Japan for research in horticulture, genetics and microbiology, with advanced greenhouses for year-round cultivation and analysis.

Multilayer Greenhouse Construction in Almeria

Novagric designed, manufactured and built multi-tunnel greenhouses in Almeria for suspended horticultural crops, optimizing the use of water.

Biomass heating for sustainable agriculture

Novagric implemented a project in Portugal with non-polluting biomass boilers for tomato cultivation, using olive pits as an energy source.

Highly profitable tomato greenhouses in Russia

Novagric implemented a high productivity greenhouse project in Russia for tomato cultivation in extreme climates, improving profitability and increasing ROI, with the support of the local Ministry of Agriculture.

Snow-resistant vegetable greenhouses in Romania

Novagric implemented an ambitious project of technological greenhouses in Romania, equipped for the professional production of vegetables such as tomatoes, brassicas and peppers.

Plastic and Mesh Greenhouses in Sinaloa

Novagric Mexico has carried out a project of design, manufacture and construction of plastic and mesh greenhouses for high-yield crops.

Greenhouses for the University of India

Novagric created a centre of excellence in protected agriculture at a university in India, with advanced technology for growing vegetables, flowers and medicinal plants, adapted to local conditions and automatically controlled.

Tropical Greenhouses in Dominican Republic

Novagric executed a project at the Rancho Arriba farm in the Dominican Republic, designing, manufacturing and building tropical greenhouses with technology for high-yield crops.

Greenhouses for Tomato Crop in Mexico

Novagric Mexico carried out a project in Culiacan, Mexico, focused on designing, manufacturing and constructing greenhouses for high-yield tomato cultivation.

Hydroponic greenhouses Almeria

Novagric completed a project in Almeria: design, manufacture and construction of hydroponic gothic greenhouses for tomato production.

Greenhouses for Growing Arugula, Spinach and Swiss Chard

Novagric has carried out a project of fully equipped Gothic Multunnel Greenhouses for the cultivation of green leafy vegetables in Balsicas, MURCIA.

Greenhouses for growing vegetables in Mexico

Novagric Mexico completed a project in Cardenas, designing, manufacturing and constructing plastic and mesh greenhouses for vegetable cultivation.

Tomato Greenhouse Construction in the Balkans

Novagric implemented a greenhouse project for tomato cultivation in the Balkans, focused on fostering agricultural entrepreneurship, improving water management, and increasing productivity and commercialization in rural areas.

Multi-span Greenhouse with Agricultural Advice

Novagric completed a multi-tunnel greenhouse project in Nigeria, equipped to produce vegetables. Includes technical-agronomic advice on the farm to optimize crop yields.

Irrigation, Fertigation and Filtration Header in Murcia, Spain

Novagric has carried out a project in Campo de Cartagena for the Design, Manufacture and Construction of Irrigation, Fertigation, Filtration and Climate.

Vegetable Greenhouses in Sinaloa (Mexico)

Novagric Mexico has carried out a project in Sinaloa for the design, manufacture and construction of greenhouses for the cultivation of high-yielding vegetables.

Greenhouses for Peppers in Asia

Novagric has carried out a project of Tropical Greenhouses with advanced techonolgical equipment for Pepper Crop in Vietnam.

Greenhouses for Vegetable Growing in Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire, an agricultural powerhouse in West Africa, seeks food self-sufficiency. Novagric implements hydroponic greenhouse for vegetables, boosting its development.

Installation of Irrigation and Climate Control for Seedbeds

Novagric implemented an irrigation and climate system for Vicaplant in La Mojonera, specialized in horticultural and ornamental plants.

Grow Lettuce with Novagric

Achieve stable lettuce production, generate more business opportunities and improve your profitability with an agricultural technology project tailored to your needs.