Novagric > Greenhouses  >Materials and structures

Greenhouse materials and structures

The greenhouse structure must withstand the weather conditions and the equipment to be installed inside. Therefore, the design phase is very important to get the right structure for your needs.

Regardless of the type of greenhouse, the structure must always be:

  • Lightweight and resistant.

  • Easy to preserve and maintain.

  • Expandable.

  • Adaptable and modifiable to roofing materials.

  • And occupy the surface optimally.

Basic elements of the greenhouse structure

They fix the structure to the ground. Their dimensions depend on the type of soil and the stresses they have to withstand.

They carry the greenhouse cover. Their dimensions depend on the design of the greenhouse and the stresses they have to withstand.

They carry the greenhouse covering material. The shape of the arches is designed to capture the maximum amount of solar radiation (depending on the climatic conditions of the terrain and the roofing material). They are composed of ridge arches, cultivation bar, pendolons and front reinforcements.

They evacuate rainwater. They evacuate the volume of water depending on the development of the sheet metal from which they are made. To withstand the environment and continuous contact with water, Sendzimir Z-275 type galvanising and watertight joint systems between channels (silicone, rubber washers, etc.) are used.

They are installed in the greenhouse to absorb part of the stresses of the pillars. They are of two types:

  • Perimeter reinforcements: These can be vertical or diagonal.
  • Internal reinforcements: These are K-shaped reinforcements or St. Andrew’s crosses.

They allow the correct ventilation of the greenhouse. Depending on the ventilation needs of the greenhouse and the direction and intensity of the wind, there are four types:

  • Cenital 1/3 Arc
  • Cenital 1/2 Arc
  • Supercenital 1/4 Arc
  • Butterfly

Thus, you can maintain the climatic conditions in your greenhouse manually or automatically by means of geared motors to open or close the window precisely and quickly.

Prevents the risk of falling during greenhouse construction and maintenance. The Provisional Provisional Protective Edge Protection System (SPPB) developed by Novagric is placed in the side channels of the greenhouse to prevent accidents. The B-Safe safety railing complies with the UNE EN 13374:2013+A1:2019 standard for CLASS B.  It provides resistance to static and dynamic loads. In addition, it stops an operator in the event of a fall and prevents them from slipping if they walk on an inclined surface of up to 30º (no height limit).

It allows the crops to be trained and is made of wire.
All the structures of the greenhouses developed by Novagric comply with the European standard UNE-EN 13031-1, according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards with which we have been certified since 2000.

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