Greenhouse design

The first step in designing and building a greenhouse is to draw up a strategy (technical and economic) that optimises all resources and increases production levels.

Novagric develops your smart farming project from design to implementation.


Project evaluation

First we need to make a complete assessment of the feasibility of your project. To do this we need to know all the external factors that determine the design of the greenhouse:

  • Location

  • Soil type and terrain

  • Availability of water for irrigation purposes

  • Climatic conditions of the area: average values of temperature, relative humidity, frost, rainfall, solar radiation and winds.

  • Type of crop

  • Electricity supply, communications and other


Calculation of the structure

With all this information, we calculate the greenhouse structure according to the requirements of UNE-EN 13031-1 greenhouses, design and construction. This is demonstrated by our ISO 9001 and 14001 quality certifications.

The calculations are based on general load assumptions with different models of snow, hail, crop weight (if the crop is hung on wires) and weather speed.

After assessing the climatic risks, the terrain, the location and the most suitable crops, we design the structure that best suits your objectives:

The offer can consist of one or several types of greenhouses designed and manufactured by APR (according to project specifications).

The dimensions of the greenhouses are standardised according to the catalogue, although they can be adapted to present the best conditions for your production process.

Depending on climatic, structural and economic conditions, the most suitable materials are chosen.

The choice of roofing material is based on agronomic criteria, mechanical and thermal behaviour and transparency to solar radiation.

We incorporate equipment and technology depending on the degree of automation you need.


Greenhouse design and project plan

The next step is to design the greenhouse, including all the structures and climate, irrigation and cultivation systems necessary to carry out your business plan. This is detailed in the project plan:

  • General characteristics of the type of greenhouse.

  • Design of structural elements.

  • Structural materials and elements (columns, channels, arches, profiles and purlins).

  • Enclosures.

  • Ventilation and heating systems.

  • Design of irrigation and water systems

  • Design of climate control systems.

  • Cropping systems and agronomic complements.

  • Programming and automation.

  • Economic summary of the offer.


Project plans

Once all parameters have been determined, 3D drawings or simulations are made to represent the spatial configuration of the greenhouse.

Se especifica la estructura, los elementos que la componen y los planos de los sistemas auxiliares y automatismos del invernadero.

Our agricultural technology projects

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