NOVAGRIC Solutions > Greenhouses >

Greenhouse Chapel

The multi-span chapel or multi-chapel greenhouse is characterized by the shape of its roof formed by semicircular curved arches and its all-metal structure.

In Novagric we manufacture this model of multitunnel greenhouse chapel (APR brand) and we develop complete projects from design to commissioning with advice during all process to meet your needs.

Novagric helps develop your greenhouse project from the design to the commissioning phases.

Dimensions and Characteristics of the Chapel greenhouse

Width: 8 m – 9.60 m

Height on canal: 4 m – 4.50 m – 5 m – 5.50 m

Height to Peak: +1.80 to 2.20 m above the height under canal

Distance between pillars: 5 m (inside) – 2,50 m (outside)

There are many more options and combinations to create the greenhouse solution to the needs of the crop, climate and soil.

Materials and Structural Parts

Advantages of the greenhouse chapel model

  • It is perfect for warm and temperate climates

Chapel greenhouse is intended for warm and temperate climates, although experience tells us that with the right modifications can be adapted to almost all types of climatic conditions, such as the reinforced structure for colder climates, where snow charges can be a problem.

  • High resistance to strong winds

They have great resistance to strong winds, as well as rapid installation and protection against falls.

  • Good distribution of the luminosity

Structures with few obstacles in their structure that allow a good distribution of light inside the greenhouse and facilitate agronomic work inside.

Invernadero Capilla
  • Good ventilation and airtightness

Its high height and volume allow good ventilation and tightness to the rain and air which offers great thermal stability and climate control. It is also possible to install heating, ventilation, cooling or carbon enrichment systems.

  • All kinds of crops

It is widely used in farms producing vegetables and growing flowers and ornamental plants.

  • They adapt to any surface and application

The greenhouse has standard widths, but it is possible to make setbacks to take advantage of 100% of the land. It is possible to distribute the pillars and enclosures to different measures, being able to build even Warehouses.

Equipment for Multi-span chapel greenhouses

Do you want to get the most out of your greenhouse?

Novagric offers you intelligent control and automation systems for irrigation, climate and water reuse.

Our agricultural technology projects

Greenhouse construction for growing crops in the United Arab Emirates

Discover greenhouse projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for growing organic fruits and vegetables.

Multilayer Greenhouse Construction in Almeria

Novagric designed, manufactured and built multi-tunnel greenhouses in Almeria for suspended horticultural crops, optimizing the use of water.

Ecological Greenhouses for Seeds production

The aim of the project is to create latest technology facilities for superior quality plants production and ensure availability at any time of the year.

Greenhouses for Flower crops in Chile

Novagric implemented advanced greenhouses for the production and export of hydroponic hydrangeas in Chile, with climate control and fertigation.

Greenhouses for Tomato Crop in Mexico

Novagric Mexico carried out a project in Culiacan, Mexico, focused on designing, manufacturing and constructing greenhouses for high-yield tomato cultivation.

Construction of Eucalyptus and Pine Nurseries

Novagric has carried out a project of Greenhouses Nursery in Chile equipped for the cultivation of forest plants such as Eucalyptus and Pine.

Multi-tunnel greenhouses for insect research

Novagric implemented a greenhouse project in Morocco with advanced technology for research on auxiliary insects in integrated pest management.

Construction of Greenhouse for Nursery in Almeria

Novagric designed, manufactured and built multi-span greenhouses in Puebla de Vícar, Almería, for Finca Viveros Las Fresas.

Multi-span Chapel and Tropical Greenhouses in Costa Rica

Novagric has carried out a project of Multi-span Chapel and Asymmetric Greenhouses to produce tropical ornamental plant.