Crops > Fruity and Woody > Pistachio

Pistachio Growing

Pistachio crops have high viability and profitability. However, it has not yet achieved a high level of commercial expansion for various reasons.

  • Very slow production. It starts to give fruit 5 years after plantation (full production from 10 years).

  • Rooting trees problems in new plantations.

  • High investment (in plant material and production technology).

  • It requires knowledge and experience.

Pistachio production: plantation and climate

Pistachio development is slow, but its plant is very long-lived (estimated to last up to 300 years).

It has an abundant branching, a wide crown and a root system that penetrates deep (looking for water and nutritious salts).

For this reason, it can be successful in soils and climates where other species do not thrive. Thus, the planting frame depends on the soil type and the water available amount.

  • Soil > prefers sandy loam, deep, well drained and adequate pH values.

  • Climate > temperate and dry. Its resistance to high temperatures decreases when there is excessive dryness. And it does not tolerate excess humidity.

  • Winds > Mild breezes increase fruit set and pollination, although it resists strong winds.

What can you do to grow pistachio successfully?

Despite the high plantations type viability, starting to grow pistachio requires an initial investment and an optimal production time of up to 10 years. Although it is possible to fully recover the investment and achieve stability and profitability in the ninth year.

To do this, it is necessary to design a good irrigation and fertilization strategy that provides the right water and nutrients dose. In addition to having high-tech facilities for seeds correct germination.

Thus, you improve grip percentage up to 98%, achieve a homogeneous crop and advance production to recover the investment as soon as possible.

Recommended technologies for pistachio growing

Our agricultural technology projects

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Drip Irrigation for 100 hectares of Pistachio Trees

Novagric developed an irrigation system for pistachio trees in Castilla La Mancha, optimizing water from the Tagus River for profitable production.

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Irrigation installation for 300 hectares of almond trees.

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Irrigation system for walnut and almond trees in open fields.

Novagric carried out an installation on 110 hectares in Extremadura, highlighting the boom in the cultivation of almond trees due to their adaptability and response to irrigation.

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Walnut tree Drip Irrigation Project

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Installation of irrigation and reservoir for pistachio cultivation.

Novagric designed an efficient irrigation system for pistachio cultivation, considering plant physiology, climate and soil.

Grow pistachios with Novagric

Achieve a stable pistachios production, generate more business opportunities, and increase your farm profitability with an agricultural technology project adapted to your crops.