Photovoltaic solar pumping system for vineyard irrigation
Novagric has carried out an irrigation in vineyard project with photovoltaic installations of clean energy for energy saving in Ciudad Real.
A young producer of grapes for winemaking in a farm with 40 hectares extension has bet for the installation of an irrigation system by solar pumping as a substitute of the old motor-gas irrigation, with which it has reduced the 100% of the costs and its carbon print.
This type of investment is profitable and attractive, against the harsh price increases that electricity and oil are suffering in the market.
A project designed, manufactured, and installed by Novagric to perform a sustainable farming activity and a rapid amortisation.
This facility has an automated system and irrigation remote-control and XILEMA fertilization, which gets updated information and allows him to control remotely.
Sergio has achieved a more homogeneous drip irrigation and greater water efficiency and use of fertilizer with the fertigation equipment. This is because the equipment has been configurated to dose the exact needs of required nutrients and claims to see the plants looking fresher than before.
The farm is divided into 8 sections and each one of them have differentiated irrigation needs, all driven 100% with solar energy. which converted into electric motor moves a sufficient 30 hp to supply a farm of this size.
Sergio has obtained the same productive volumes in this first harvest with solar irrigation. But he has greatly noticed the fuel costs reduction and its energy consumption. in addition to reducing the environmental impact to practically zero.
Some pictures of our project in Tomelloso, CIUDAD REAL (SPAIN)
Project details

Irrigation photovoltaic facilities


Vineyard, Cencibel variety

40 hectares extension
- Project Design, Manufacture, installation, and execution
- Water and electrical calculations
- Logistic organisation, work control and start-up
- Technical-agronomic advice
- Technical support
- Solar roof installation connected to well pump
- 30 HP Engine
- Automatic Drip irrigation head installation
- XILEMA Fertigation equipment
- Remote control software
- From an annual consumption of 20.000 gas litres to ZERO consumption.
- From a cost up to €15,000 to a ZERO cost.
- Investment amortisation in 3 years
- Increased control and travel savings thanks to remote control
- Increased water and nutrient efficiency with homogeneous input
- Reduction of carbon footprint
See how it has saved costs in vineyard production
One the great advantages has been to have the support of Novagric, that has accompanied in all the development phases of the project. From the installation desing, assembly, installation, and start-up.
this has given me peace of mind and assurance of having control and support throughout the development.
Sergio, Vineyard Producer