Solar irrigation with clean energy for grapevine growing
Novagric has developed a vineyard irrigation project powered by solar energy (100% renewable) to reduce consumption and costs in the vineyard.
With the harsh increases in the price of electricity and oil in the market, the installation of solar pumped irrigation systems is a safe bet to reduce operating costs and reduce the carbon footprint.ducir la huella de carbono.
Novagric has accompanied this farmer in all phases of project development, from idea to start-up, to avoid worries and facilitate the switch from diesel engines to renewable energies, with support service throughout the process.
This facility has an automated drip irrigation and XILEMA fertilization system, for greater water efficiency and fertilizer utilization. In addition to remote control of the irrigation program.
Some pictures of our project in Tomelloso, CIUDAD REAL (SPAIN)
Project details

Solar Irrigation Pumping Installations


Trellised vines, Airén native variety.

20 hectares
- Solar roof installation connected to well pump
- 30 HP Engine
- Automatic Drip Irrigation Head Installation
- XILEMA Fertigation equipment
- Remote control software
- Project Design, Manufacture, installation, and execution
- Water and electrical calculations
- Logistic organisation, work control and start-up
- Technical-agronomic advice
- Technical Support
- 100% reduction in consumption costs
- Rapid return on investment
- Increased control and travel savings thanks to remote control
- Increased water and nutrient efficiency with homogeneous input
- Reduction of carbon footprint